Meringue pavlova with strawberries and blackberries

Books. Classes. Community.


Books. Classes. Community.


Baking Classes

Interested in expanding your baking skills in a fun and supportive learning environment? Sign up for my popular baking classes at Portland Community College (PCC)! They're great for new and seasoned home bakers. Upcoming classes include Quick Breads, Sweet Rolls & Breads, and a Lunch and Learn Baking Series.

Bilingual Books for Kids

Baking ABC - English / Portuguese and Contar Numa Cozinha Portuguesa | Counting in a Portuguese Kitchen help the littles in your life learn ABCs and 123s, jumpstart multilingual learning, and ignite a love of baking (without a messy kitchen!). Great gifts for holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions. Author and Emmy-nominated host, Maria Lawton the Azorean Greenbean said Baking ABC is "a winner."

Get Baking ABC and Contar Numa Cozinha Portuguesa today! FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders.

Olá! I'm Elizebett.


A special thank you to the people in my life who have supported me in making BettBakes a reality: my husband Justin, my mãe Maria, my cousin Nancy, and my family and friends who have offered encouragement, taken classes, or purchased books.

I also want to acknowledge the community-minded people and businesses who have uplifted, promoted, or supported my one-woman operation. An asterisk (*) designates a BettBakes distributor: Azorean Green Bean - Maria Lawton | LiveLuso | PALCUS | Portugalia Marketplace* | Tribuna Portuguesa | KGW's Hello Rose City!